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Navigating in Space

You will know how to create a new space, switch space, delete a space, and exit a space by reading this article.

Creating a new space

Click space icon on the top of left sidebar, you will see a space list, which shows the spaces you owned and the spaces you have been invited and joined in. ![expand_list.jpg](./img/click-to-expand-list.jpg)


To create a new space, you can click "New Space" below the space list.


Switch to other spaces

You can click any spaces in the space list to switch among them.


Deleting a space

Deleting a space will result in all files and members in this space are removed. Therefore, only the primary administrator of this space is allowed to do so.

If you are main administrator, to delete a space, you can go to settings > overview sections, and then click delete space.


Leaving a space

If you want to leave a space, you can click the button of leave space on the menu in the space list.
